Fractional laser rejuvenation- a cosmetological procedure, during which the skin is exposed to a laser set made of microbeads. The purpose of this effect is to activate the processes of regeneration and collagenogenesis. This is a relatively new but already very popular hardware technique. In another way, it is called fraxel, the partial laser that appears or photothermolysis.

Principle of operation and varieties of partial laser rejuvenation
How does a partial laser work? The micro-rays emitted by the apparatus cause heat stroke, in response to which the "lazy" skin cells begin to function more actively. To repair the damaged area, they split faster. Old cells that have turned out to be dysfunctional die, leaving room for the young. Warming of the deep layers of the skin is accompanied by partial denaturation of proteins, as well as the formation of new components of the extracellular matrix, including elastin and collagen.
The depth of impact is discernibleablative and non-ablative laser rejuvenation. . . The first is superficial and resembles grinding. Laser treatment of the upper layers of the skin is accompanied by evaporation of moisture, damage to the epidermis. After healing, the skin becomes more toned, its relief and color are leveled. During non-ablative photothermolysis, the laser acts on the deeper layers of the skin. In this case, no open wounds form.
Each type of renewal has its advantages and minutes. Thus, the effect of ablation laser reappearance is noticeable after the first procedure. Using this method, you can get rid of deep wrinkles and age spots, post-acne, stretch marks, scars. With a non-ablative procedure, there is no risk of infection, and the anti-aging effect is noticeable for several years. This type of photothermolysis is recommended for people under 40, with the first signs of aging: fine wrinkles, reduction of turgor.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure
It is worth referring to the photothermolysis procedure if you have:
- Weakness, sagging skin.
- Thin and deep wrinkles, crow's feet.
- Pigmentation of any origin.
- Increased fat secretion.
- Enlarged pores, prone to acne.
- Signs, stretch marks, post-acne.
- The "stars" of blood vessels (rosacea).
- Dull complexion.

Contraindications to partial laser rejuvenation are:
- Allergies, psoriasis.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
- Blood disease.
- Skin infections, inflammation in the target treatment area.
- Any chronic disease in the decompensation phase.
- Oncology.
- Increased body temperature.
- Diabetes.
- Tendency to form keloid scars.
- Epilepsy.

Laser renewal features
Preparation for the partial photothermolysis procedure consists of refusing a visit to the solarium and beach for two weeks. During all this time, you also can not clean the skin, do chemical peels, take sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines. Three days before the procedure, they stop going to the pool, bath, sauna, treat the area of alleged exposure with cosmetics containing alcohol. To prevent complications, the cosmetologist may prescribe antiviral and antibacterial medications for this period. The day before the procedure should be performed without alcohol and cigarettes, refrain from going to the gym.
Prior to laser treatment, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. Generally, the effect of the laser feels like an uncomfortable tingling sensation, but sometimes pain relief may be required. In this case, the beautician applies an anesthetic to the prepared area of skin. Once the oil works, it continues to treat the skin with laser. The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the treatment area and ranges from a few minutes to an hour. Finally, the skin is softened with a nourishing cream.
In the first days after the procedure, you can not use alcohol-based products, compress the parts of the body where photothermolysis is performed, with compression linen. It is recommended to exclude physical activity for a week, visit the pool, sauna or bath, limit the time spent on the road. The skin is hydrated with a special cream three times a day. And so for half a month. It is undesirable to peel, use cosmetics with retinol, salicylic acid. For two months it is necessary to use a cream with a sun protection factor of 35 or more.

How many procedures do you need to achieve the result? What effect can you expect?
The rehabilitation period after partial laser rejuvenation lasts from 3 to 7 days. The speed of healing depends a lot on the lifestyle. Alcohol consumption, smoking, overactivity, unbalanced diet, insomnia and anxiety - all of these can slow down the regeneration process.
The first three days after laser exposure, skin redness and slight swelling may be noticed. Anesthetics and skin cooling can help reduce the feeling of discomfort. Normally normal if the skin tightening is felt within a week, there are torn areas. A side effect of the procedure can be a bronze tan, which goes away on its own after half a month.
A stable result after fractional photothermolysis occurs after 2-5 procedures. More specifically, the number of sessions can be determined only by a cosmetologist, based on the initial data. The interval between procedures is 3-4 weeks. As a result of partial laser renewal, the aging processes are inhibited: wrinkles disappear or become less visible, turgor increases, pore severity decreases and complexion improves. This method is an effective tool in the fight against scars, pigmentation, post-acne, stretch marks.
Fractional laser rejuvenation is one of the three most popular cosmetic hardware procedures. Its advantages include efficiency, short recovery period, physiology. The result is visible after the first procedure and lasts up to three years. The method has a wide range of indications. It is possible to choose the depth of laser exposure.